FILE - In this March 29, 2018, file photo, the logo for Facebook appears on screens in New York's Times Square. Facebook's effort to establish a service that provides its users with local news and information is being hindered by the lack of outlets where the company's technicians can find original reporting. The service, launched last year, is currently available in some 400 cities in the United States. But the social media giant said it has found that 40 percent of Americans live in places where there weren’t enough local news stories to support it. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

Facebook ta bisa cu a elimina 3.2 biyon di cuenta falso for di su servicio, for di april te cu september, un tiki mas cu e 3 biyon den e seis luna anterior.

Casi tur e cuentanan falso a ser haya prome cu nan a haya un chens di bira usuarionan ‘activo’ di e red social, pues nan no ta conta den e figuranan di usuario cu e compania ta reporta regularmente. Facebook ta calcula cu alrededor di 5% di su 2.45 biyon di cuenta di usuario ta falso.

E compania a bisa den un reporte ayera cu a elimina 18.5 miyon di caso di mucha sunu y explotacion sexual for di su plataforma principal den e periodo april-september, un aumento riba e 13 miyon den e seis luna anterior. E compania a bisa cu e aumento tabata pa motibo di mehora den deteccion.

Esaki ta e di cuater reporte di Facebook riba cumplimento di standard.