Those we love, don’t go away. They

walk beside us every day. Unseen,

unheard, but always here, still loved,

still missed and still very dear.

Prediepkoemar Jawalapersad

*27-01-1957 – † 26-01-2023

Wife: Chandra Jawalapersad – Baidjnath Misier

Children and grandchildren:

Vikash, Tenoeschka, Laxmi and Vinay

Akash, Geneyda, Aishwarya, Amish and Aishaanya

Avinash, Mei-Lin and Prisha

Condolences will take place on Friday, Febuary 3rd 2023 from 1pm – 4pm followed by the Cremation ceremony at Aurora Funeral Home, Cumana 76, Aruba