FILE - Rihanna attends an event for her lingerie line Savage X Fenty at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles on on Aug. 28, 2021. Rihanna is backing her belief that climate change is a social justice issue by pledging $15 million to the movement through her Clara Lionel Foundation. The “We Found Love” singer Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022, announced the donation to 18 climate justice organizations doing work in seven Caribbean nations and the United States, including the Climate Justice Alliance, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the Movement for Black Lives.(Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP, File)

(AP) – Rihanna ta sosteniendo su creencia cu cambio climatico ta un asunto di husticia social, door di priminti $15 miyon na e movemento tras di su fundacion, Clara Lionel Foundation.

E cantante di ‘We Found Love’ riba diamars a anuncia e donacion na 18 organisacion di husticia di clima realisando nan trabao den nacionnan Caribense y na Merca. Nan ta inclui e Climate Justice Alliance, Indigenous Environmental Network, y e Movement for Black Lives.

“Desasternan di clima, cu ta aumentando den frecuencia y intensidad, no tin impacto igual riba tur comunidad, cu comunidadnan di color y nacionnan isla enfrentando lo pio di cambio di clima”, segun Rihanna, cu ta di e isla Caribense oriental di Barbados, a bisa den un declaracion. El a nota cu desigualdad ta e motibo cu su fundacion, cual ta yama pa su welonan, ta duna prioridad na tanto resiliencia di clima y trabao pa husticia di clima.

E donacionnan, haci den asociacion cu co-fundador di Twitter, Jack Dorsey su iniciativa filantropico #StartSmall, ta enfoca riba gruponan cu lidernan femenino, LGBT, color scur y indigena, pasobra nan comunidadnan ta den mayor riesgo.

“Fundadornan mester construi asociacionnan cu organisacionnan ‘grassroots’, reconociendo nan comprension profundo di loke ta necesario pa logra husticia di clima den nan propio comunidadnan”, segun Justine Lucas, director ehecutivo di Clara Lionel Foundation, a bisa den un declaracion.